until first check-in

    & FAQ

    The Dos and Don'ts and everything else you might have worried about.

    fest schedule

    Plan ahead - All you need to know about
    our fest timeline.

    prompting & Claiming

    All the information you need to start your fest journey.

    Previous Round

    An archive of last year's submissions.


    Welcome to SnowSpark, a XiuChen fan fest!🌩

    Our rules are pretty simple:

    (1) It has to be about XiuChen

    (2) Tag Responsibly⭐

    ⭐"What does that mean, ‘tag responsibly’?”

    So glad you asked.

    There’s no theme to this fest, just a desire to have more XiuChen to read. So knock yourself out!

    G-rated smooshy hand-holding? Great!

    Platonic soulmates? Great!

    Weird adult activities involving tentacles? Awesome!

    Catboys? Sure!

    Violent mafia fics? Come on, this is EXO, they’re practically required post-Lotto era.

    Super uncomfortable dubcon? TAG IT ACCURATELY

    Let us repeat: TAG IT ACCURATELY

    We want to make a space for as many voices as possible, but you MUST give sufficient warning to let people nope out of stuff they don’t want to read (for example: one of the mods will nope out of any humiliation fics, while understanding that it can be a healthy, consensual experience).

    ALSO: While we all have preferences of what we like in our smut, we encourage authors to remember that whether one pitches or catches is not a personality trait, so please keep that in mind while prompting.


    Help, I have never been part of a fic fest, how does it work?

    There are basically four steps to participating in a fest:

    1) Submit prompts! During the submission period, anyone may submit story ideas to the fest archive through a self-explanatory form.

    2) Claim prompts! During the claiming period, writers and artists may look through the story ideas in the archive and submit another form listing those they'd like to write or draw. If you already have an idea of your own in mind, you can also self-prompt your idea while still joining the fest.

    3) Write stories and make art! Once the prompt you've chosen has been confirmed by the mods, you may begin writing and/or drawing your XiuChen piece! Keep it anonymous until the submissions go live. We know it is tempting to talk about what you are working on, but let's keep it a surprise, yes?

    4) Submit your work! When you're finished, you'll submit the story or art to our collection via instructions we'll provide.

    Then the fanworks will be revealed a few at a time for everyone to enjoy!

    Can I self-prompt for this fest?

    Yes, you can! Just use our claiming form and submit your own prompt to us. We highly encourage everyone to check out our prompt archive though and see if any of them catch your eye.

    Do you accept poly ships?

    We are happy to accept XiuChen+ fics from those of you who feel that two people in a bed is not enough. Just please don’t use that as an excuse to sneak in a different main pairing, yeah?

    How do check-ins work?

    Our check-ins do not require a set word count. You will receive an email from the mod team for both dates, checking in with you. We just want to know how you are doing and if you're still out there.

    I can't finish, can I get a deadline extension?

    If at any point you feel like you won't make a deadline, please let us know. We want to make this fest as enjoyable as possible for everyone and between us we will surely find a solution to make it work.

    Things came up and I need to drop out of the fest, what do I have to do?

    Sometimes life happens, we understand. If you plan on dropping out, please let us know. There are no consequences to dropping out. If you chose a prompt from our archive, the prompt will once again be available for claiming after you dropped it.

    Does this fest have a minimum requirement?

    For final submissions, all fic needs to be longer than 1k words and all art needs to at least include one character and a background.

    How do I submit my work to you?

    Please send your final notice of submission to our email at [email protected]
    All fic will be posted by you anonymously to the AO3 collection and linked on our twitter account. All art will be posted by the artists on their own twitters. Please note that you need an AO3 account we can link to when we post fic. If you don't have one yet and need an invite, write us an email and we can help you out. Don't worry if this is confusing, we will send out detailed emails explaining the process when the time comes!

    Can I crosspost my work?

    We ask you to not crosspost your work on your own social media accounts until after reveals. Afterwards feel free to post it to your feed.


    Prompting: September 21st - October 5th
    Archive Reveal: October 6th
    Claiming: October 7th onwards
    1st Check-in: December 31st
    2nd Check-in: February 14th
    Final Submission: March 20th
    Posting starts on: March 26th
    Guess who?!: TBA
    Reveals: TBA

    Prompting & Claiming


    Here is the link to the Prompt Archive: LINK

    Here is the link to the Claiming Form: LINK

    Prompting starts September 21st at midnight, KST. You can see the timer on the main page for a countdown!You can send in prompts between September 21st and October 5th.We do not forbid explicit or heavy trigger content in the submissions. Despite that, the Mods reserve the right to review and remove submission of content that is defamatory, racist or otherwise insensitive.Send in as many prompts as you want, the more, the merrier! You do not have to claim a prompt later to submit one.Make sure to include anything you do or don't want to see for your prompt, especially when it comes to triggers.Do you not like any of the prompts or already have your own idea in mind that fits our theme? You can self-prompt yourself and join our fest anyways!


    Claiming will start on October 7th and will last until December 30th. Claiming of prompts will be first come, first served. You can't choose a prompt which has already been claimed. We allow one writer and one artist claim per prompt.All final fics have to be at least 1000 words long; all final art pieces need to include at least one character and a background.All fanwork needs to be centered around XiuChen.You are welcome to claim more than one prompt, but only after you have finished and turned in your first one.If you plan on claiming a prompt, try to be as sure about committing to participating as possible. We all know that life happens sometimes. But if you are worried about missing a check-in or not being able to finish, send us an email and we will try to work with you on solving the problem.


    Beta sign up information to follow soon.